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Please view our “What we do” and “What you do” section for purchasers.

If you rent your present home:

 Get “Change of Address” cards from the post office and send out well before moving day.

 Have the post office forward your mail to your new address.

 Cancel any contracted services and pre-authorized cheques.

 Inform gardening, dry cleaning, garbage pick-up, newspapers, magazines, diaper and other home services. Arrange for service at your new address.

 Obtain a letter of introduction from your current branch to help establish new accounts. Transfer trust or bank accounts and securities.

 Cancel or transfer social, athletic, civic, religious or business affiliations and memberships.

 Arrange for transfer of medical, dental, prescription and optical records.

 Change the address on your driver’s license(s) effective the day of the move.

 Collect all items out for cleaning, repair, or storage. e.g. fur coats, dry cleaning.

 Make special arrangements for the moving of perishables, such as plants.

 Make special arrangements for the moving of your pets.

 Dispose safely of all flammable liquids as it is illegal for movers to carry them.

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